Shoulder and elbow injuries are some of the most common on-the-job injuries. They may result from repetitive motion stress or from workplace accidents. They can also be debilitating. Even small movements can become difficult, and it may become impossible to perform the repetitive motion tasks that are necessary to fulfill your job role. This can result in time out of work and lost income. Worse, if shoulder or elbow injuries in San Diego go untreated, they can turn into chronic, debilitating problems. You may be forced to seek out a new line of work.
This is why it is absolutely essential to seek fast treatment for your shoulder or elbow injury, and an accurate diagnosis which takes into account the full extent of the damage.
Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in San Diego:
- Dislocated shoulders
- Broken clavicles
- Rotator cuff tears
- Chipped bones
- Hyper-extended joints
It is not uncommon for your first medical assessment to fall short of diagnosing the full extent or severity of the damage. If this happens, you may not get the treatment you need to return to full function. You may also fail to get the full workers’ compensation benefit that you are due for your injury.
Your San Diego Shoulder and Elbow Injuries Attorney
This is why at The Law Office of Matthew A. Verduzco, we work closely with medical professionals to advocate for our clients. We can recommend a network of ethical medical practitioners, and if necessary, we can arrange to authorize a second opinion on your injury. That way you can get the treatment you need to recover quickly and fully, as well as the full compensation benefit amount that you are due. You may qualify not only for workers’ compensation through the state, but also for compensation through a personal injury lawsuit claim. If so, we will help you to choose the path which will maximize your payouts from both sources.
It is important not to wait, but to jump into this process as quickly as you can. The faster you get your injury treated, the more likely you are to make a full recovery. Waiting may turn an acute injury into a chronic one, and may have long-term ramifications that alter your life forever. You are also more likely to get the maximum compensation if you act quickly.
If you have any questions about shoulder and elbow injuries in San Diego, or you are ready to pursue your workers’ compensation case, give us a call today at (619) 213-1558. We know you are going through a lot right now, and want to assure you that there is never any risk in calling. Your consultation with us is completely free. Get in touch with us today and find out what we can do for you. You deserve justice, fair compensation, and the chance to get back on your feet, and we are here to make sure that happens.